Here, in the south, evah thing shuts down for the mere chance of snow. And so it was on Wednesday. Our loyal weathah-men were all aflutter with anticipation. Accumulation they said. The rain came. I started to doubt. The morning went by. Yes, there was sleet and freezing rain. Mr. Macho even came home due to inclement weather and road conditions. That has nevah happened before.
And then...
After sputtering for a good while it started to snow in ernest about mid-afteroon. It is so rare here that we can do nothing but stop and pay attention to it.
I had exercised yesterday morning and then dedicated myself to completing a book in a day. (It is part of the 50 book challenge I am trying to complete.)Yet, I still had time to wander from window to window to window. To watch. For snow.
Cold snowy weather calls for hot soupy meals. Thus, the chicken and dumplings. They weren't the best I ever made. I will keep making them until I can make it consistently good.
After supper and kitchen clean up I invited Mr. Macho to join me in merriment. (Insert song from movie "Frozen" here - "Do you want to build a snowman?") The snow was nice and wet and so when Mr. Macho made a ball of snow and rolled it, it was like in the cartoons and got bigger and bigger.
Here is Snowman #1.
We chunked a few snow balls at one another. Mr. Macho declared he has no gloves, so our adventure was short lived.
Back inside we settled in to watch the new Survivor series. I was reading my book during the commercials. After it was over I kept reading until the electricity went off. Then I finished the book by flashlight. During the night the electricity came back on and I had to get up and turn the teevee off.
Mr. Macho made it safely back to work this morning. I wish I had someone to play with in the snow. I thought I could do a better job on our snowman and so made a second attempt...
Snowman #2. Reconstructing Amy.
The snow on the limbs is so pretty. Everywhere I look is a picture. Snow really makes the world look beautiful.
The view from my driveway. My first attempt at panoramic. Kinda like it!
Planned activities for yesterday and this morning were cancelled. I have plans to meet my girlfriends at the movies this evening. I hope the roads are clear.
I need to get back on track and get some cleaning done around the house.
Be sweet.