Friday, December 18, 2020

Frosty Dispatch

 When I drove to town this morning it was so frosty that it looked like snow. 
Okay, almost.
We expect rain tomorrow, slightly warmer, then cold moving in for Christmas. 
As it should. 

Several days ago I made the teacakes that have been distributed. I don't think I even ate one. The cookies have traveled to my children's homes along with the family's traditional Belgian waffles. All gifts have been shipped or delivered to the respective offspring. 

Last Sunday I needed to get out of the house. We actually drove to our little state park for a walk. Just as we were finishing we passed these two trees. The photo doesn't do it justice. The smaller tree wraps around and there is one point that the two trees actually kiss. Look closer. 

A small package from my little brother arrived this week. In it were two ornaments that came from my mother's house. One is the little ballerina mouse that Mom had indicated I gave to her. The prism was also in the package. It also came from Mom's house. Originally the prisms were part of a chandelier in my grandmother's home (pre-hurricane Camille). I was tickled to receive them both.

Last week I mailed Beach Boy's Christmas package. Mid-week Out-of-Town Son picked his up since he was working in town. 
Today we celebrated Christmas with Daughter. We loaded our gifts in the back of our car, drove out of town to her place of employment, she unloaded them, and placed them in her car. We drove home.
Because 2020.
Merry Christmas you filthy animals.

I have finished my first glass of wine already tonight. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Post birthday dispatch.


64 trips around the sun. That time of year I used to call Mom and say, "Thanks for having me!" I didn't develop this routine until late. I think I took her by surprise every year I said it. Birthdays haven't always been the best time for me, but of late I am better with them. It wasn't ever the growing older that bothered. It was the being overlooked. 

The eve of my birthday is the anniversary of the fist date I ever had with Wilson.
We celebrated 44 years since that first date. 

Birthday breakfast was late. And good. 

Birthday dinner was cooked at home and didn't disappoint. 
Our local Butcher Shop has some mighty fine marinated ribeye steaks. 

Texas sister asked for this recipe. 
It is a family favorite, right out the 1984 Southern Living Cookbook.
My children liked it best with no additional sugar. 
I put the batter together yesterday. I'm about to go cook them.

Sunday I put together a second batch of family recipe Belgian Waffles.
They are for my offspring. 
For Christmas.
Since we won't be gathering in person. 
And they need this tradition. 
As do I.

Going to go turn on the oven now.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Thankfully dispatched.

Our F.A.T. gathering had missing pieces this year. Of course. Because 2020.
We missed Beach Boy and his family immensely. 
I am usually not in the family get-together photos so this year I opted to snap shots of me with the grands in attendance. 
Our usually fair was enjoyed. We were able to stroll the neighborhood after the repast. 
No one stayed the night. Because 2020.  

Under the table is where this girl likes to hang out.
I have to catch Cece where I can. She is a busy girl. 

Alice had the chocolate mouth after dinner. 
She is so smart. 

I took the first shot with the Super Carrot. But she knew how and got the better angle.
This girl has the know how! And you should see her pirouette!

Lauren looking beautiful. We both had dessert in our mouth. 
She is on the bowling team this year. She is in the middle of her junior year.
How did that happen???

This young man is smart and handsome. And tall.
T-Bone graciously let his picture be taken with instructions to not post. 
I hope this doesn't count. 

Rainy day. Turkey vegetable soup in the pot. Fall decorations coming down this afternoon.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Dispatched fig.

 It wore us both out digging the hole this morning. We have two fig trees that Wilson rooted from his sister's tree. They both started as single finger-sized twigs this spring. Today we planted the healthier one in the ground. It grew the most branches this year. The other one grew fewer branches but is as tall as this one. I suspect this one grew better because it put its root through the bottom of the pot into the ground. We are just hoping that it survives the root break and transplant. This is a perfect sunny corner for it. We will watch next year to see how much it gains over this year. Maybe even some figs?! I am hoping so! 

More little works of mercy are going on in the yard. I rescued some plants from pots at our library and am trying to save/revive them in new soil at home. I am spinning my wheels trying to decide if the geraniums are worth even trying to resuscitate. Bulbs from the former shady oak corner are in the relocation program. I am running out of ground and have half a bucket more to bury.

Meanwhile...we are reintegrating into some social activities. I even attended a junior varsity football game on Thursday night. Niece from out of town was here because her daughter was cheering at the game. I met her at her mom's house and we went to the game together. It felt a little strange sitting in a crowd. Next week my bible study will convene and revisit a previously viewed video series. We will distance and wear masks. 

Sad, sad news. My very own YMCA is closing. The Covid was the nail in the coffin. Financial footing has been shaky for years. And now this. Just another brick in the wall that is 2020.

Still trying to find some peace every day as the political situation wallows in the quagmire. 

Look for that shalom everybody. 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Dispatch of a mini-adventure: this new blog upgrade is a hot mess.

Wilson got on board with my request to visit a water powered grist mill a little more than an hour away from our house. The mill only grinds on Saturday but you can drop by any day for a look around and to purchase cornmeal, grits, or flour on the honor system. (They also mill wheat.) You can buy white or yellow grits or cornmeal. 

We took a right at Jerusalem and then had to drive 6 more miles down a country road. It was lovely.
**When I attempted to upload the photos they rearranged themselves. I tried again to get them in correct order but this new blog upgrade has a mind of its own. So I gave up. 
Here are just some of what I snapped this morning.
In no particular order...

The old building is not the original housing for the grist mill. Fire, floods, and tornadoes have happened over the years. This building is old, it lists to the south, and is filled with every kind of old implant and horse shoe that you can imagine. Tour at your own risk. Some of the little planks are iffy.

This box holds the water that powers the mill. It is low in the photo. 

After Mr. Sciple lifted the gate it filled rapidly.


A pair of older gentlemen drove over from Gainstown, AL with a van of corn to be milled. Thy paid using the toll system. The proprietor of the mill gets 1/8 of the corn milled. The other option is to pay $3 per bushel to have your corn milled. Mr. Sciple measured their corn in 1/2 bushel containers and drew out his 1/8 before loading the corn into the wood tub at the top of the mill. The corn would go down a center opening and land between the two huge stones where it was ground. He operated a wheel that regulated how fine the corn was ground thus producing grits or meal. He then sifted the chaff and just dumped that out on the floor. He would sweep that up later and feed it to his goats. 


Across the street from the mill is the Mill Opry. Every first and third Saturday night they have music. All are welcome. No smoking. So alcohol. 

Hope you have found a little fun in your weekend.


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Damn the dispatch.


I'm feeling a little tired tonight. 

I know you understand. 

It has been a roller coaster kind of day. 

You understand.

I am thankful that the day is ending better than it started.

You understand.

This year has twisted me like the rag I wring out when I am cleaning out cabinets.

You understand. 

There are two storms in the wide open heading for who knows what.

You understand?

You understand. 


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Tardy dispatch.

 The month is half over. Argh. I haven't even written any messages on my message boards...I usually write a new something the first of every month. Am I so busy? No. Most days I can not account for my time. Days run together. Corona virus. 

We did spend a most excellent anniversary this week kayaking. Neither of us had ever done that before. It was so good to be doing anything. Being outdoors and especially on the water renewed my spirit. 

Yesterday one of Wilson's sisters had a pacemaker installed. She is my age. It all came on so fast it was hard to process. She is slated to go home today. 

This morning I volunteered at our local farmers' market. Wilson is still at the Habitat house doing some volunteer construction. 

Earlier this week I ordered 2 dozen new washcloths because our old ones were getting so very dingy. They are all washed and put away. Old ones are relegated to the rag bag or are in the garbage. 
Crochet projects are ongoing. 
I've got a sleeper book that I am reading. I mean it puts me to sleep. 

The butterfly garden is slowly giving in to the heat. Butterflies are still visiting. 
We have pulled up most of the summer veggies. We have 2 tomato plants still in pots, 2 bell pepper plants in pots, okra in the raised bed, and watermelons on the vine. We are starting to decide what fall veggies to plant. 

I'm slowly getting my garden club plans for the year fleshed out. This is my second and last year to be president. It is such an odd time to be involved with any organization. 
My hopes for a stellar tenure in office have been dashed a bit. Other clubs with bigger and younger memberships are going great guns. Our aging membership doesn't lend itself to in-person gatherings. 
Life in a pandemic. 

I'm just going to keep breathing. 


Friday, July 31, 2020

Friday dispatch.

Oh no. Here comes the weekend. I don't really mean to, but I think I'm dropping the ball.


Thursday, July 16, 2020

This dispatch is brought to you by the color yellow.

 So our Sweet Lauren had some elective surgery this morning. 
Days ago she told her mom that she wanted to take "Yellow" to the hospital with her.
Side note: Yellow is the baby afghan I crocheted for her before she was born. Yellow is also 17.
Daughter responded: okay but we have to wash him.
Lauren: never mind.
Fast forward to last night...(quoted from texts) Lauren decided a clean Yellow is better than no Yellow at all. Fingers crossed that he doesn't disintegrate in the wash. 
This morning I text Daughter...
Woke up thinking about Lauren. Hope she is calm and ready. You, too! Did yellow hold up?
Then this picture arrived with this message...
Yes!! Doing well for 17 years of hard love.
I had an emotional reaction...crying and laughing at the same time, in the extreme.
Man. I love those two girls...

So I walked extra hard trying to work off all the feels this morning.
We aren't really socially distancing. On purpose.
I am the pace setter. 

Namaste good people. 

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Dispatched to Nanny's house.

Daughter & her offspring paid a visit today.
It was wonder filled with food, and conversation, and laughter.
I copied SIL's fruit pizza from 4th of July at her house.
It is gone. It was delicious. 
Wilson even said how good it was. High praise.

The fresh peach taste was a little overwhelmed by the almond flavoring in the filling. 

Adult conversation on national hot topics worked its magic. 

Worked like a charm.

Then we played with the Google animals...

She plays well with ponies. 

Heavens! Who let in this raccoon? 

She was startled by the critter on the couch. 

Our tanks are filled now. We can make it a few more days.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Independence dispatch

Our 4th of July has come and gone. SIL invited us over for a barbecue. Her family was all gathered and we thoroughly enjoyed being amongst them. The food was delicious and plentiful. The drinks were adult and cold. The quick rain shower cooled things off. Just a fun day.

Days before that we got brave and ventured to the sporting goods store in our neighbor city. We didn't linger like we used to do. We each found shoes and a couple of new t-shirts. Shopping is not satisfying nor fun right now. I circumvented shoppers not donning their mask.

New shoes. They are cushy and comfortable right now.
Bought them Thursday. Have walked 9+ miles in them already.
They will take me far. 

Friday my County Agent Friend called me to come pick up my corn that I ordered.
We put up 8 dozen ears. Some on the cob and some cut off.
It took 4+ hours. 
Wilson was a huge work force on this project.

Woke up early on the 4th and walked before breakfast. 
I figured that warranted a red, white, and blue breakfast. It was hearty.
Granny would have approved.

On the downhill side of summer now. Days will start to get a little shorter. 
The heat will ramp up.
Some vegetables are waning. We pulled up the yellow squash in the front bed. Still have a few in a container in the back yard. Okra is coming in. Green beans are still producing. Have three little watermelons, so far, on the compost volunteers. Cucumbers are producing one or two a day. Tomatoes are playing out. Blueberries almost got tasty this year. They were sour for the most part. I hope that improves with plant maturity. Our two fig trees are growing and will be ready to put in the ground this fall. 
My little pollinator garden in finally attracting a butterfly or two. It is starting to look rangy. 

That is my garden report for today. 

Friday, June 26, 2020

Dramatic dispatch.

Our very own drama troupe is visiting today. 
P & M arrived via Hamilton mid-morning.
They hit the ground running and we had harvested vegetable before lunch. 
Full tummies, a FT visited with their dad, and after Granddaddy's nap we needed something to occupy our minds and time. 
We hatched the plan and put it into motion. 
Much work had to be done. 
Creative juices flowed and this little clip came together.
We hope you enjoy! 

On with the show!

Delayed dispatch.

Man I am getting old. I'm slipping and so I have to make a double birthday post today...
Our Caboose celebrated his birthday yesterday.
The tree. And the apple.
See it?
It didn't fall far. 

Born with his very own sense of style. 
His feng shui is all his own. 
I have been captivated since the beginning of his existence. 
I am so glad he was born. 
He is icing on the cake. 

His offspring celebrates her #5 birthday today! 
She follows the beat of her own drummer for sure!
She is a spark of light!

"When  you blow out the candle,
One light stays aglow.
It's the love light in your eyes
Where ere you go!"
-Tom Chapin


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Birthday dispatch: The sequel.

June 14, 1981. This 10 lb. baby was born.
He has not stopped rocking the world ever since.

Never met a stranger.

Always sees the best in people. 

We are so proud of the wonderful husband father he has grown to be. 

God's light shines in and through this man.

Happy birthday Bob.
We love you.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

A birthday dispatch.

May God rain down his blessings on Daughter today, her birthday.
Some peaks at the past...
Yes. I think that was a Smurf lunchbox.

That is Nana's profile. This was on the brick patio.

Some cousins in Nana and Pa's driveway.


Oh tooth fairy?

This one reminds me of our Cecilia for some reason.

Words fail me.
She is a gift.
She is so like her Dad.
Smart and funny.
Deep and mostly introverted.

Happy birthday Daughter!
I love you.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

D-Day dispatch.

Every month I write new messages on two chalk surfaces in my home.

This little one is in my kitchen.
This is the month of many birthdays.

In celebration of the anniversary of the day before our first child was born we revisited the same breakfast that we enjoyed 42 years ago.

The egg McMuffin. 
Thank you McDonalds for being a part of our family lore. 

Thank you, also, to the Greatest Generation for all of you sacrifice and service.
