Thursday, February 26, 2015

The week derailed.

Here, in the south, evah thing shuts down for the mere chance of snow. And so it was on Wednesday. Our loyal weathah-men were all aflutter with anticipation. Accumulation they said. The rain came. I started to doubt. The morning went by. Yes, there was sleet and freezing rain. Mr. Macho even came home due to inclement weather and road conditions. That has nevah happened before. 
And then...
After sputtering for a good while it started to snow in ernest about mid-afteroon. It is so rare here that we can do nothing but stop and pay attention to it. 

 I had exercised yesterday morning and then dedicated myself to completing a book in a day. (It is part of the 50 book challenge I am trying to complete.)Yet, I still had time to wander from window to window to window. To watch. For snow. 

Cold snowy weather calls for hot soupy meals. Thus, the chicken and dumplings. They weren't the best I ever made. I will keep making them until I can make it consistently good. 
After supper and kitchen clean up I invited Mr. Macho to join me in merriment. (Insert song from movie "Frozen" here - "Do you want to build a snowman?") The snow was nice and wet and so when Mr. Macho made a ball of snow and rolled it, it was like in the cartoons and got bigger and bigger. 

Here is Snowman #1. 

We chunked a few snow balls at one another. Mr. Macho declared he has no gloves, so our adventure was short lived. 
Back inside we settled in to watch the new Survivor series. I was reading my book during the commercials. After it was over I kept reading until the electricity went off. Then I finished the book by flashlight. During the night the electricity came back on and I had to get up and turn the teevee off. 

Mr. Macho made it safely back to work this morning. I wish I had someone to play with in the snow. I thought I could do a better job on our snowman and so made a second attempt...

Snowman #2. Reconstructing Amy. 

The snow on the limbs is so pretty. Everywhere I look is a picture. Snow really makes the world look beautiful. 

The view from my driveway. My first attempt at panoramic. Kinda like it! 

Planned activities for yesterday and this morning were cancelled. I have plans to meet my girlfriends at the movies this evening. I hope the roads are clear. 

I need to get back on track and get some cleaning done around the house. 
Be sweet. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

In the company of angels.

 Sometimes a simple expression can take my breath away. And so it was when Daughter texted me this picture of her youngest this week.
The Super Carrot is going to be a bridesmaid for one of her preschool teachers this spring. In keeping with her girly personality she gasped when her mom first showed her the dress. She thinks she is a bride. Isn't she lovely?! Miss Personality. 
First blog photo of our newest granddaughter. Isn't SHE lovely?!! 
(Out of Town Son and wife are expecting her July 2. Personally, I think she will be a June baby. I just feel it. Oh my!! This is exciting.)

These were my angel moments for the week. It has been a good week. Started the week at the movies with Mr. Macho. Fifty Shades of Grey. And yes, it was all that and more. Enjoyed lunch and more Downton Abbey with my girlie friends on Tuesday. Thursday night my church bunko group had a "pearls and pajamas" bunko party. That was a fun time!  Friday evening our bunko ladies helped serve and clean up from our Lenten fish fry. 

This weekend Mr. Macho and I are catching up on our "Oscar" watches. Last night we watched "Birdman". It was interesting, but not my favorite. I have to say that I really like Michael Keaton. He makes me believe. Whatever role he plays. I guess I don't have a favorite movie pick, yet. I am sure Macho likes "American Sniper" best. Not me, though. (I thought it was too predictable...said in whispered tones lest I offend someone. It is very politically incorrect to criticize the man or the movie. Bradley Cooper is, well, Bradley Cooper!! Hottie. The story was mediocre.) More viewing this afternoon and evening. I am sorry I won't get to watch "Selma" before the Oscars tomorrow night. It left town too quickly. Ah well. We are not usually Oscar aficionados but this year we have frequented current movies, so have a vested interest. 

The temps have given reprieve. It is a comfortable 63 degrees right now. More cold is in store next week. The wind has been ferocious this day. I can hear it roaring through the trees as I type. March winds are here early and we are hoping that, when she does arrive, she will go out like a lamb. 
More things to take care of...a sweet older parishioner died on Thursday. She will be buried on Monday with church ladies taking care to feed the family. Labor of love. The circle will remain unbroken, by and by.

Life. It is so short. So many things to see, do, and take care of while we are in it. I try to find the important things. And. I do like the adventure. Small adventure. And large. It is all in the perspective. We make our own weather. Adventure is what we make, not what happens to us. 
My adventure is not your adventure. Find your own. 
And. Enjoy. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Free at last.

My orthopedic surgeon released me on Wednesday. Said I should be the poster patient for back surgery. I said thankyouverymuch and I hope I don't see you for a loooong time. I meant it in the nicest way. Done. And done.

Mr. Macho's Dad and one of his sisters joined us for supper last night. It was a good visit. I enjoyed being in the kitchen most all afternoon preparing the meal. Nothing spectacular. Just regular stuff. Baked ham, cheese grits, deviled eggs, roasted carrots, green beans, rolls, and pound cake. They scooted off during half time of the basketball game on the teevee. I watched my Thursday shows.

I've been to the beauty parlor today. Sometimes I call it the wind up shop. This afternoon, while doing the laundry, I have organized our taxes. One more tidbit of information and off to the CPA!

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I have never made a big deal of it. A couple of times Mr. Macho has surprised me with flowers. I love that. My favorite was the year he hired the barber shop quartet to come by my office and sing to me. And present me a rose. It was the most fun. And. A surprise! I really loooved that. Tonight we will be with friends for a big band dance at our convention center. There will be dinner prior to the dance downtown at new-to-us venue. Should be loads of fun.

Happy Valentine's Day.
Be sweet.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The week wears on.

After a full day yesterday Out of Town Son crashed at our pad, again. Like last week. Love it. My lights went out around 8:00. I just couldn't hang. After going to bed I was restless for the remainder of the night. Ach.

My cousin, Jeanette, died Monday night. It is sad. She was the same age as sister, Marsha. A very few years older than me. She had the multiple sclerosis for 28 years. After fighting the disease for years she eventually needed a wheel chair. Her speech was greatly affected. She is mourned by two children, two grandchildren, both her parents, 5 siblings, aunts, uncles, a multitude of first cousins...

Our weather is pretty today but will get colder as the week wears on. 

This morning I made a pound cake to serve to Mr. Macho's sister and Dad when they come for supper tomorrow night. It is the prettiest one I ever made. It smells inviting. I should take a picture. I think I will!

Here it is. Crunchy cream cheese pound cake. 
The bomb.

Okay. I was typing something that was creepy. I deleted it. You're welcome. I've more dusting and bathroom policing to do before I get cleaned up for my last orthopedic appointment this afternoon. Leftovers will be served in this household, again, tonight. It's what I do. And do it well. 

Happy trails.
Be sweet. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

A song.

Yesterday I talked to Mom on facetime. It was a good visit. She told me that she had spent the better part of Saturday trying to remember the lyrics to a song that she and Dad loved, and he used to sing. While we were talking I tried to find it on Youtube so she could hear it. She is pretty deaf and couldn't quite make it out. I told her she could google the lyrics. She said she rather enjoyed trying to remember, though it took a while. She said she might google it later to see if she had them right. I remembered the Willie Nelson version of the song, but really didn't pay much attention to the lyrics. Until today.

Of late, Mom has really been missing Dad. I heard it in her voice when we were down for New Year's. And now this...

I can still hear Dad signing this...and BTW, he did it better than Willie ever did. 


Hoagy Carmichael - lyrics
Sometimes I wonder why I spend
The lonely nights dreaming of a song
The melody haunts my reverie
And I am once again with you
When our love was new
And each kiss an inspiration
Ah but that was long ago
Now my consolation is in the stardust of a song
Beside the garden wall
When stars are bright, you are in my arms
The nightingale tells his fairy tale
Of paradise where roses grew
Though I dream in vain
In my heart it will remain
My stardust melody
The memory of love's refrain

This sweet tune starts my Valentine week. 
All you need is love. And. My parents had it in aces. 


Friday, February 6, 2015

It's a neighborly day in this beauty wood...won't you be my neighbor?

It has been a good week. Can't really think of any extra ordinary things that have happened. But. Ordinary things have been enjoyed all week long. Stopped by Paulette's house for a quick visit. Out-of-Town Son spent the night Tuesday night. Always enjoy having any of my kiddos here. Had a good day of staying home and cleaning on Wednesday. Yesterday was filled up with = helping stuff envelopes at church, Bible study, garden club, and falling asleep early on the sofa. I have been doing that every night this week. I think it is the winter hibernation season. When I get still and warm I am a goner. Mr. Macho was sawing logs in his recliner last night, too. We are a pair.

Today was the senior (citizens, not students) Mass and brunch at church. I was one of the co-hostesses. We put up a few valentine decorations and everybody kicked in and helped set up and clean up. It is easy-peasy. And nice. Lots of sweet things to eat. A few good breakfast casseroles. Lots of talking and visiting. And. Today was special. One of our parishioners is a transplant recipient. Eighteen years ago this very day Jack got a new heart. His wife tried to speak to the group and couldn't get through because of emotion. So our priest took her speech and read it for her. Eighteen years ago Jack was almost too old to receive a new heart. But at 3:00 a.m. they got the call and drove to Birmingham. The usual second family wasn't called because he was the only match. (A second family is routinely called in case the first match has a fever or something else that prevents him/her from receiving the donated organ.) So, Jack received the gift of an 18 year old's heart. Though he is much, much older, his heart is only 36 years old. God bless him. And God bless the donor's family for the generous gift of life.

If you are able, be an organ donor. What a heroic thing to do.

Tonight we will attend our little elementary school's draw down. Its a party. We will eat. Drink. Dance. And come home. I will not concern myself with winning the prize. Which happens to be $10,000. We have gotten close before. And let me just tell you. It isn't fun being the runner up. Tonight is about the party. And dancing.

Hoping to find some more adventure this weekend!
Be sweet.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Looking forward.

"The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray"**- I don't even remember where the quote comes from. I use it often. It describes, not this past weekend, but the one before that. Mr. Macho had been spending the weekends at his Dad's house, taking care of him. So, for us, it was going to be the first weekend in two months (or more) that we were home together. I was looking forward to relaxing with no plans. Then I got the call of Friday, as I stepped out the shower. Brother-in-law, emergency surgery, and duty kicked into high gear. I asked Mr. Macho the other night if I had called him before I drove to be with my sister at the hospital. I couldn't remember. We barely saw each other over the weekend. I went where I thought I was needed, where I needed to be so I could feel helpful.

This past weekend we finally got the relaxing weekend together. We slept late Saturday morning. Visited Macho's Dad and went where the wind blew us for a bit. Saturday evening we invited sister, Paulette, over for a simple meal of chicken drumsticks, green beans, and loaded cauliflower casserole. No dessert. It was nice. And quiet. She is well. Sad, yes. Overwhelmed by generous outpourings from family and friends, and overwhelmed by the task at hand. She has busy times ahead getting her single life organized. Strength will come. With time. 

We welcomed February with a rainy day and a Super Bowl that was fun. We did not really have a favorite team, but we were happy with the outcome. I thought the commercials were lacking. It is something we do - rate the commercials. I am over the "lost puppy" beer ads. Over it. I was appalled at the insurance commercial about children dying in accidents. It harshed my Super Bowl buzz. Come on people, no depressing commercial during the Super Bowl! Do I have to spell that out to you? What were you thinking? Get a grip. Inappropriate! 

February! Black History month! Month for love! We have parties to attend this month. We are back into our dance lessons. Out-of-town Son is going to crash at our house since he has to work in town tomorrow! Lots of things to look forward to this month and year. I was talking to Mimi this morning and started to dream about a fall trip to New Mexico, again. Last year we had our rooms booked and I had to cry "uncle" because of my back. I was not well enough to take a vacation. This time I am not going to jinx it by making firm plans or booking hotel rooms. Yet. But. I want to go back to the Land of Enchantment. It makes me happy to talk about it and think about it. Here's hoping!

Be sweet.

**I found this on the internet to explain where the quote comes from. I thought it quite interesting and so...


From Robert Burns' poem To a Mouse, 1786. It tells of how he, while ploughing a field, upturned a mouse's nest. The resulting poem is an apology to the mouse:
But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane [you aren't alone]
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft a-gley, [often go awry]
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promised joy.
The poem is of course the source for the title of John Steinbeck's 1937 novel - Of Mice and Men.