Are you mostly satisfied with what you have?
I can honestly say that I am. Mostly.
It doesn't mean I don't want things and stop going shopping.
But. When asked what is my favorite car, my response is "the one that is paid for".
My current vehicle will be 10 years old to me in March of this year. It is still in very good condition.
I hope I can get, at least, 2 more years out of it.
In the mean time, we are about to pay off Macho's truck. Yip. Ee.
It is the best. I don't like having payments. Ten years ago, when I "retired" we hit the goal of paying off our house. That was a great feeling.
Super Bowl Sunday.
I don't have a dog in the fight.
Macho is pulling for the Eagles, for lack of a favorite team.
I'm leaning toward Brady and the Patriots. I haven't gotten on the "I hate the Patriots" band wagon.
Not sure I really understand all that, except for the "deflate-gate" fiasco.
Tom needs to win and retire. Let the next hero have his day.
Anyway, we will watch (1) the game (2) the commercials (3) halftime show...
I am cooking a big ass pot of chili. Probably the best I ever cooked.
(I say that every time. The best pot I ever cooked = the one in front of me.)
Tomorrow the leftovers will feed some hungry people in our Loaves & Fishes soup kitchen.
Win - win.
So, in the last two weekends I have attended 4 movies. I know right?! Like, wow! I am out there just being the movie buff. Getting caught up in the Oscar season. And. There are more I want to go see. You can say that I am helping the economy. I'm spending that tax cut money at the theater!
I got to spend the day with Daughter yesterday. Weeks and weeks ago she suggested we see the movie "Lady Bird" together after hearing it advertised as "the movie you need to see with your mother".
After watching the trailer - I avoided watching/reading any more about it. Daughter didn't even watch the trailer.
The movie didn't disappoint. We both felt like we lived a year during the watching. We laughed. We cried. We saw ourselves in parts of the characters - both as parent and child.
We both left the viewing exhausted.
Teen years, growing up, high school can be brutal. Parenting can be brutal.
Divine guidance, soft hearts, and the right friends can ease the path. Still in all you have to make your mistakes and keep faithful to your heart. You have to figure out how to overcome rejection. You have to figure out that you can forgive, too.
Daughter, I love you beyond measure. I made mistakes and didn't always do my best as your mother. But. I always believed in your ability to do what you set your heart and mind to. I have learned that you are incredible in your capacity to see high value in embracing diversity. I hope that I didn't damage your wings too badly and still hope that you soar to your highest height.
Two words.
Insomnia. Cookie.
(Insert thumbs up here.)