Monday, October 8, 2018

Last Monday.

It is extraordinary how ordinary this day has begun. Shouldn't there have been something superlative about the last first day of the week of a 42 year employment? Alas. That is not his way. The key he always plays in is low. Understated. Just another day. Just as it will be next week when we awake to the first day of the first week of retirement.

It is only a part of his charm. He is so solid. He puts the 'stead' in steadfast. You have to look really hard to see his ups. And his downs. But. They are there. Right underneath. Where he likes them to be.

I itch to celebrate. It has taken me 41 years to just begin to learn how not to. Yet.
He nails me to the floor. (That is a Jimmy Buffet reference.)


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