Monday, February 18, 2019

Not very presidential.

We are under the weather. Literally and figuratively. We started last weekend with optimism...and a great concert Saturday night. By the time we got home from Tupelo @ 1:00 a.m. Macho had the chills and couldn't stop shivering. NyQuil and a good sleep and on Sunday we got up and attended late mass, visited with his sisters, then came home and he crashed. Today? He still has on his pjs. We have already sent our regrets to our dance instructor for this evening. I've checked out two Redbox movies and we are about to hunker down an watch them. I've had the crud, too, only not as bad.

Phone dump...
Last Wednesday I began the transition to my natural color. It will take a while.
And? This morning on Twitter Hoda and Kathy Lee declared that silver is the hot hair color for 2019! Can I get a "trendsetter" for this girl?!

We exchanged cards on Valentine's Day. I picked flowers and greenery from the yard.
Macho grilled steaks and we drank some proseco that has been chillin' since Christmas in my fridge.
It was just right. 

He stood in line to get popcorn and soda before the concert. I found a beer stand right behind our seats. Bonnie Raitt was awesome and...

James Taylor sang his heart out. For me.
(Hey, it's my blog, I can take liberties.)

2 inches of rain yesterday. We have caught a glimpse of the sun today but tomorrow the monsoon will set in for the remainder of the week. May get 5-8 inches of the wet stuff. 
On the uptick, my new blueberry bushes are sprouting new leaves.


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