Monday, May 12, 2014

These moments.

The offspring returned to the nest to help celebrate Mother's Day. The time spent with them is too full to appreciate all the details while it is happening. Oh my.  I breath them in.  When they leave they take my oxygen. The quiet wake is left. I linger in the small reminders that remain. Misplaced toys. Fingerprints on the glass. 
Oh. This is not melancholy. This is joy. I am happy to be breathless. Breathless and stretched. 
All good. 
You are cordially invited to a tour of my yard flowers, all abloom. 

My Daddy amaryllis. There are four trumpets on the one stem. 
I have this one positioned so that I see it from my kitchen window and from my laundry room door. 
It shouts my Daddy's love every time I pass. 

This one I call my "Martin Luther King, Jr." cactus. Some call it "Christmas". Others, "Thanksgiving". But I call it for when it bloomed the most for me. And this year that was on MLK, Jr. Day. This random single bloom was a surprise. 

Second quartet of pink amaryllis. Dahlia in the forefront.  Something loves to nibble on my dahlias. So I am liberal with the Selvin Dust. 

Look what showed her face today!! My day lilies are full, full, full of buds. I think these came from Uncle Dick's yard. They are thriving next to Mr. Macho's shop.

Am still recouping from the back thang. Getting better. I am most appreciative of the painless moments. I find myself celebrating them. Not in a big way. But celebrating, nonetheless. 

Peace out. 

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