Monday, March 11, 2013

Rainy days and Mondays...

Puddles. Everywhere. Ferocious wind yesterday brought in the rain. Supposed to stop early afternoon. Creeks are swollen. Neighborhood rivers are running.
This after a pretty fair weekend. Mild temps. Yard work. Weeding. Transplanting. Trimming. Wine on the porch. Today = sore hamstrings. Argh. Got my exercise in already this morning in hopes it will relieve the sore muscles.
Started a new afghan this weekend. I have three running right now. It keeps my interest from waning. This new one is small. So it shouldn't take long to finish. "Shouldn't" being the operative word.
Had a good time visiting with Mr. Macho's family yesterday. Good meal. Fun chat about their family tree. Watched an hilarious Youtube video. Hilarious. I wish I had videoed Mr. Macho's reaction as he watched it. That was hysterical, too. If you want a laugh - go to Youtube and Google "Nana dancing"...and listen very closely at the very end. Oh.
Need to go put some clothes in the wash. Son-in-town and I are planning a Sam's run. Even in the rain. Maybe lunch with Daughter. Good times, man.
Be sweet.

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