Tuesday was good. Lunch with the group and my friends was nice. I felt like I could consume some good calories since I swam, at least, 24 laps in the pool. I say "at least" because I lost count. Twice. It is quite possible that I swam 26 laps. Lap 7 and lap 22 might have been repeated. When in doubt I go back and swim it again. I digress. After lunch we convened at Frieda's house for a movie. We spent a delightful few hours watching a cheesy Nicholas Sparks movie. It was alright. Predictable. The company, the adult beverage, and the snarky comments were what made the afternoon fun.
I was all mellow when I arrived home just before Mr. Macho. He got home and immediately changed shirts and drove to his Dad's house to do the weed eating. He brought back some grass sprigs for our very own back yard. He is trying extra hard to get a good coverage.
Slowly he is recouping the lawn. The nice patch of bermuda on the left side of the photo was a bonus from an un-named source. I will give you a hint...Trojan pride will be forever honored in our backyard. We will consider it hallowed ground.
Before a short summer shower I snapped these pics of our lantana. It has taken its sweet time to bloom. It was worth the wait. Two different colors have appeared.
This is the color I expected.
This color is what I remember growing wild in our backyard when I was a little girl. Mom used to call it "ham and eggs".
I hope these blossoms invite the butterflies.
I'm off to the pool again this morning. Then much to do around here. Baseboards are thick with dust. That is a 'must-do' on my list today. Probably mop the kitchen floor, too.
Hope your day is productive.
Be sweet.
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