Thursday, July 18, 2013

Rolling along.

Son-in-Town is my new health guru. On his advice, this week, I purchased a foam roller. It is the bomb. After a month of low back pain I have finally found a proactive relief method. Here is me rolling my back out on the floor. 
I have some topical soreness from the roller. But even that is getting better with more usage. I can just say that the back is worlds better. Am happy to have my very own, built in, Certified (!) Health Education Specialist. Thanks Son. 

My coleus is doing so well that I am breaking off pieces, rooting it, and potting it. So far, besides the two big plants in the back bed, I have two pots of it and a jar on the back porch rooting some more. Next year I will expand the varieties. Get a wider color palate. This year seems a little monochromatic to me. 

The geraniums have lived. And bloomed. Right out the laundry door. Just a little bit of red happiness. 

Mr. Macho loves the caladiums. They have done well with all the nice rain we have had. Maybe next year I will do more varieties of these, too. 

I will not include a snap of the two pots of dead petunias that are hanging on my fence.
Wrong plants. Wrong spot. Wrong pots. Live and learn. 

Second day of picking up bermuda sod at the landscape store. Really like the girl, Crystal, that loads my truck. I could hang with her. She wears rubber boots and has a really sharp hair cut. She is a working chick, too. I sweat like a crazy girl unloading Mr. Macho's little pickup. Yesterday. And today. Like you talk about. 
Mr. Macho is due in any minute. He will lay the sod where he wants it. He has this erosion plan that is being developed as he lays the sod. I am just delivery. He is the engineer. 

How did it get to be the downhill side of July already? Hydrangea getting all green? Lazy days of summer and all. 

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