Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The lady was a tramp.

The impending anniversary of Katrina is two days away. Nine years since she ripped up my birthplace.  And still. I find myself rereading the emails that were frantically sent before/during/after the storm. They bring back the PTSD sensations that I felt. 
We were all crazy with worry. The storm struck on a Sunday night/Monday morning. The worst of it was the water that decimated the homes and broke our hearts. An email from my brother and sister on Tuesday let us all know our family home was in ruin. Our beloved uncle's home no longer existed. We would later learn that both sisters from the coast could no longer live in their houses. I was crazy with worry of how to evacuate our parents, as were all my siblings. I finally had spotty communication on Wednesday from Mimi. Roads were closed. Gas was short. Time was of the essence. Mimi took the bull by the horns and just did it. She got Mom and Dad in the car and drove them to Jackson where friends of my brother welcomed them with open arms, meals,  hot baths, and electricity. Thursday we relayed them here to our house. My heart still hurts thinking of the days they would sit and plan what to do next. 

I believe this is looking into the bedroom I slept in and shared with sisters when I was in elementary school. I think I see the patio through the windows in the back.

This photo looks from the direction of the kitchen through Mom and Dad's lovely dining room into their living room, and south out their front windows. 
You see the speckled walls? That was caused by waves ramming the debris into them for hours on end.

Front of the house. 

Den. This part of the house was an addition and actually floated during the storm. 
Every year I feel compelled to read the emails and expel the demon that was this storm. 
She continues to rend my heart. 

Mom and Dad moved back to their hometown. Not in the same neighborhood. Dad never stopped wanting to be back in the old house. Mom still dreams about it. 


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I've got my Tuesday panties on but I guess you knew that, too!

It is one of our family's favorite and oft repeated movie quotes from the movie "Big Business" with Lily Tomlin and Bette Midler. It was pretty hysterical. Maybe I'll watch it again. For fun.

Anyway. Tuesday. It's been a good day. I am making inroads back to normal. Not there, yet. But - a big but - I have gone without any pain meds today. That feels like forward motion to me. Not saying I haven't hurt. Just saying I could tolerate it today. Yesterday I managed a light workout at the Y. Today, after my PT stretches, I rocked the living room yoga with Rodney Yi. He is the bomb. Then I went about my morning like I could. By noon I was "wo" out. This afternoon I put together the above mentioned casserole (after reading this I realized that I didn't mention the casserole's below), washed and folded sheets and towels, started a new book, and worked on one of my crochet projects.

Mr. Macho is having a long day and is on his way home. I put together a good Mexican casserole, knowing that he might be late. The casserole is in the fridge and will be popped in the oven tomorrow evening. Tonight = leftovers.

I need to get back to 100%. And soon. My wanderlust has been on hold since Easter and I am starting to chomp at the bit to get in the car and go. I am still licking the wounds of my canceled vacay.

In the good news department the Super Carrot, who will celebrate birthday #3 next month, is on the road to being and underpants wearing big girl. Won't be long before she is tossing her pappi!

Next week is Millie's #1 birthday. We will celebrate this weekend with family out the wazoo to help.

Growing up girls. Fun times.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Another shot and a postponed vacay.

Tuesday was shot #2. Epidural steroid. Wednesday dawned and I really felt better. I was standing up straight and walking pretty comfortably. Alas, it was the post shot glow that they warn about in the paper work. It doesn't last. By the afternoon the old leg was pinging again. Add to that the other after-effect, sleeplessness, and today might end up being a hot mess. I did my physical therapy this morning. So far, so good. I am doing okay. Better than a few weeks ago. Not as good as I want to be feeling.

Insult to injury = I made the decision to postpone the trip to New Mexico I have been looking forward to all year long. I just now cancelled the hotels that I had already booked. We were going to see the Albuquerque balloon festival, spend a couple of nights in Santa Fe, go on to Angel Fire for a couple of nights, then back to Albuquerque. In a nutshell, I would rather be here feeling fine and sorry that we didn't go than be there wishing I hadn't traveled. It is easier to feel miserable at home. I am hoping that by October I will be fine. I just can not see what the next two months will bring. And so. It is sad. I am sad.

What next? Nothing. Nothing is planned. Only another steroid shot in three weeks. Pitiful me. Pity party. (Insert wailing and gnashing of teeth here.) Oi vey. Its a shonda. Now I will stop kvetching.

Enough of that. I did go to the Hoblob after PT this morning and bought 8 skeins of red/blue yarn to make an afghan for a random high school football player that I never met because he liked the one I made Beach Boy. (Formerly Son-In-Town). Go figure.

I have three crochet projects I am currently working on. One of which is incomplete because I have run out of the yarn and can not find any to match it in my local stores. Yikes! May have to import the yarn.

I will close with a shout out to Sister Marsha. Hope your birthday tomorrow is extra fun for you.

Monday, August 18, 2014


Today I feel like I am moving more toward normal. Last Thursday I felt like I was turning the corner. Friday brought physical therapy and a pretty sore afternoon/evening. Saturday I was able to walk for 30 minutes on the treadmill. Slowly. Very slowly. Sunday wasn't bad until late in the day and that right leg just wouldn't quit. Hurting. Today I woke feeling pretty good. Had PT early then made a quick trip to the Walmart. Haven't taken any pain meds today. I have made a batch of pimento cheese. And. A batch of Biggest Best Oatmeal Cookies. Both required standing. And. I am okay. Got a little pain. Not too bad.

Tonight we say good bye to our dance instructor. We haven't been to the lessons since April. But. He is leaving our area and won't be the teacher any longer. We hope to get back to the lessons. It won't be the same without him. I hope our paths cross again 'cause we both liked him. He is a good teacher. 
So long, Robbie. Dance on! 

The second epidural steroid shot will be administered tomorrow. Here's hoping it is better than the first. 
Be sweet. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Get me off this roller coaster!

For the sake of updating my back progress...

The first epidural steroid shot is not what I had hoped. The miracle hasn't happened, yet. I believed it was helping last week because I was able to do more things than before. Like stand up a little straighter. Then Mr. Macho told me I wasn't really standing up straight. Honestly, I thought I was.

The pain was still there, though slightly less in its ferocity. I resumed physical therapy last Thursday, after the shot on Tuesday. The therapist was very gentle last week. This week she has been more intense, but not like before the shot. Before the shot I had to moan out loud to tolerate the manipulations of the therapist. It. Was. Rough.

On Wednesday two therapist tag-teamed and worked my right glute/side-back muscles AND the leg - concentrating on the knee region. I felt like that did some good. Thursday I felt better and walked 20 very slow minutes on the treadmill. I vacuumed the front den and bedrooms. I stood for a good while chopping vegetables for supper.

Today the therapist worked the glute/side-back. Then she put the electric shocker on the right side and turned up the volume. I felt pretty good afterward. I even went shopping for a little bit. This afternoon my right leg is aching. Haven't taking any pain meds since yesterday morning. I keep walking in and out of the kitchen trying to decide whether to take them. Or not. My mind plays this game = 'You are a weeny if you take them' vs 'This is ridiculous, you are hurting, take the damn meds'. I don't know which side will win.

All in all I am better than I was. I can get out of bed in the morning with much less trouble. I can endure longer periods of just standing. I am standing straighter. Maybe not all the way, but much improved. Pain is diminished. I can't really say what has helped the most. I tend to think it is the physical therapy. I can't rule out some possible good effects of the shot.

Next Tuesday I go in for the second shot.
Wish me luck.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wedded bliss.

Thirty seven years. It is a lifetime to some. Today it is a lifeline for me. 
This week I have had a crisis of ego. My self image is at an all time low. I have actually felt sorry for Mr. Macho. He is proving that he meant it when he said, "In sickness and in health..." 

We were married on the thirteenth of August in 1977. Three days before Elvis died. Our marriage and life have been marked with hilarity. With happiness. With heartache. And headache. With births. And teenagers. We have survived crises and the college years. We have forged our love with time. 

This man. Is my rock. 
And sometimes I want to kick it. But most times it is sanity and comfort and normal-ness and warmth and humor. And so much more. 

Happy Anniversary, Baby. Got you on my mind. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Chapel renovation

Our original church is over 150 years old. It's construction began before the Civil War. We say it is antebellum. It was in a state of disrepair. Stucco was crumbling, the roof leaked, and so much more. We have been worshiping in our new sanctuary since about 2001, maybe? Here is how the Chapel looked today at the open house...
Fresh paint, new pews, new roof, weatherized structure.

Windows cleaned and reworked and bringing in some heavenly light.

Vestibule created. Lift was added for handicapped accessibility. Choir loft will not be utilized except by the organist. 

Altar rail was retrofitted. Follows original curve, instead of the straight line that I have always known in this church. 

Fresh paint on ceiling. 

Fresh looking altar. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Confessions of a former athlete.

I walked on the treadmill for 10 minutes this morning. It was all I could do. At 2.0 speed. I know. It is embarrassing. I have to start somewhere. I did three sets of ten curls. With 5 lb weights. And that sums up my workout this morning. I could cry.

I had the epidural steroid shot on Tuesday. I was hoping for a miracle. This miracle comes in baby steps. The doctor said to give it 3 to 5 days. It has only been two. I started the day yesterday feeling more normal than I have in weeks. Or months. As the day wore on my right hip/leg/foot started the pain and tingling again. Not quite as bad, though. I debated taking meds as I was going to bed. I ended up falling asleep without them.

My Mom's brother, Menou, died yesterday morning. He was the sweet funny uncle you always wanted. He was wise. He was low key. He had a successful life. Not without its pains. In the end he departed this world surrounded by his wife and all of his children who revered him and loved him so dearly. As do his grandchildren. As do his many nieces and nephews. He is also survived by 4 sisters and one remaining brother.
I am sad that I will not travel to the funeral. My body fails me now.

Prayers go out to sister, Marsha, as she nurses her husband through chemotherapy. God's blessings on you both.

Peace to you this day.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Sunday, August 3, 2014


It has been a fairly quiet, uneventful weekend. Mr. Macho has been the consummate yard man all weekend long. He worked in his Dad's yard most of the day yesterday. Mowed and worked in our yard today.
We watched a couple of movies, picked up some new porch furniture at Lowe's, picked up some Wendy burgers Friday night. I have read the Kindle and crocheted most of the weekend. Finished one afghan on Friday, just in time since one of my nieces had her baby girl on Saturday. Said afghan is in route to "Julia Scott". Finished up another afghan just a while ago and have already started another. A couple of baby boys are due to girls we go to church with.
Week three is finally here and my epidural spinal steroid shot will be administered Tuesday. I have to say that this weekend I have felt better and stronger. Physical therapy, while feeling torturous, has helped.
If you hear a huge, big sigh Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning - it will be me. I hope.
Be sweet.