Wednesday, March 29, 2017

It worked!

I am in the process of putting up my winter clothes. And. I am happy to report that the coat hanger trick worked beautifully for me. Last fall I placed all the fall/winter clothes on hangers hung backwards in my closet. If I wore something I then replaced it in my closet with the hanger turned around. Today, any clothes on hangers that are still backward are being removed and donated. Voila! I have three bags full in the back seat of my car as I type. Spring cleaning. Easy peasy.

I have a pot of greens cooking on the stove. I have shucked four ears of corn for supper. I think I have a few butter beans in the fridge left from Sunday. I'll make some cornbread. Mr. Macho will be so happy. 

On my early morning walk yesterday I spotted this pair of shoes in a neighbor's yard. It looked so humorous that I snapped a photo. It looked like Cinderella had just stepped out and kept on going. 

My garden club pots at the library have a parsley plant that has gone buck wild. It is taller than me. I thought it was a weed until I got up close. 

I am growing potatoes and pumpkins in my compost. Will they last until harvest? Stay tuned.


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