Friday, June 1, 2012

The ups and downs of my Friday.

Roller coaster. Today's ride is brought to you by Todd, the tile man. If people would just realize that the longer I simmer, the hotter I get, the world would be a better place. Yesterday and this morning I realized that there were some bad tile issues. I spotted one yesterday. Uncle Jay added some observations this morning. I emailed my floor man pictures and called him at 8:30. A.M. He remembered being specific about how the tile would be laid around the window. He was going to call the tile man and get him in the know and up to date. Floor man said tile man was probably en-route.  I mentioned other issues that didn't meet my expectations. At 1:34 P.M. - just as I was dashing off a pretty damn good irate email to the floor man - Todd, the tile man, appeared. After trying to explain, a little unsuccessfully, what I wanted - my posse showed up and had my back.
Picture this. Todd, the tile man, in the bathroom with me trying to explain. Up behind me comes Mr. Macho, Uncle Jay, his son, Garrett, and Andrew-the-big-carpenter. Cue the banjo - who needs the Hatfields or the McCoys? Todd, the tile man, got the picture and was somewhat overwhelmed by the audience. C'est la vie. Mess with me, you mess with my posse. (This may be a little over done. There was never any threat. Real or implied.)

Anyway. Tongue and groove. Love it. On my porch. Thank you Uncle Jay, Mr. Macho, and Andrew-the-big-carpenter. 

I forgot to post pictures of the columns Uncle Jay put up for us earlier this week. When I stepped out to take this picture I realized that I had totally not noticed that my sweet paint men had already painted my shutters the new color. Thank you, paint men.

Loving the new colors. Uncle Jay will replace the broken attic vent.

Mr. Macho and Andrew-the-big-carpenter putting up the Hardy board on the patio/veranda.

Tongue. And groove. And Uncle Jay.

Duke and Son. The brick layers. Doing a great job. 

Am having to take back breaks during the day. For my back. I know. Redundant. I've been cleaning glue spots off my new floors with mineral oil and a rag. My fanny smells like mineral oil. My fingernails hurt.  I think I have a headache from the fumes. Or maybe I am fuming because I have to do this. What-ev. 

If I had to vote today the floor/tile men would be have least favorite status. My paint guys would rate most favored status, under Uncle Jay. Duke and Son are pretty far up there, too. 
The week has been productive. The weekend is upon us. I had hoped to get by and select my blinds/shades today, but that didn't happen. Thanks again, tile man. I can do it tomorrow or next week. I am trying not to be bent out of shape. Really I am.

There are clothes to fold so I gots to go. Oh yes. Gots to go.
Happy weekend, evah-body!

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