Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday review.

Mr. Macho worked as Uncle Jay's trusty assistant today. Much was accomplished. Hole in the laundry was demolished and replaced by a door. Then the dynamic duo measured, cut, and hammered much Hardy board into place. Floor men came and went. Tile men have just a little more to finish tomorrow.
I got a little reprieve from crocheting. Was able to swing by two building supply stores before I attended my Thursday morning Bible study. Took care of returning and picking up door locks at the first. On to the second and I found all I was looking for - even checked out the area rugs while I was there. Picked up a shower curtain rod, hand towel stand, some furniture coasters, mineral spirits, and some cotton rags. Groceries were secured before returning home.

Uncle Jay and Mr. Macho doing demolition. And doing it well.

Mr. Macho tries his hand with the power tool.

Old den. New floors.

New den. New floors.

New bedroom.

New bathroom.

Second set of new steps.

Tomorrow I will vacuum with my new vacuum cleaner and clean up lots of glue spots with the mineral spirits. 

Looking into old den from new den.

New door from laundry onto patio/veranda.

Am tired and have to post this quick so Daughter can see the pics.
Peace out.

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