Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Anniversary and angry birds.

Okay. I am going to name names. And products. Here. Because it has become ridiculous. My Samsung Galaxy II has grown three heads and has taken control. It has become 'The Monster'.

For one week I have been dealing with AT&T. My phone, without my knowledge or permission or control, started sending data by the "very large"KB, and went over my plan starting Wednesday. I started getting texts and emails telling me this. I spoke with a rep by phone on Thursday. Thought we resolved the issue. But then the nasty little texts and emails started again. The phone continued to send the data. Unbeknownst to me. Until the texts/emails started again. On Sunday I called AT&T again. The rep had me turn off my data. The sending stopped. But I decided to visit my local AT&T store. The young man in the store fiddle with my phone, turned off this and that, and restarted my data. Told me to download an update when I got to my home WiFi. I did. The crazy KB data sending started again as soon as he turned the data back on. So. This morning "Christopher", the AT&T rep that was unfortunate enough to answer my call early this morning thought I was a complete idiot and old lady. He kept saying I didn't understand. And I didn't understand why my phone had gone berserk. He got someone else on the line that, finally, looked at my past usage and understood that I never even come close to using my 2GB, much less, the 8 GB that have been used since last Wednesday. Finally. Someone was understanding ME!

AT&T is crediting me for the overage. None of the reps has been rude. Even though I could tell "Christopher" (the first rep I talked to this morning) was put out with me and at his wit's end, he wasn't rude. That is worth something. 'Cause I wouldn't just take his word that it was ME that was having the problem he passed me off to someone else. "Christopher" had too quickly concluded that I didn't know how to use my phone. Please. I have been successful for nearly two years using this very phone. No problems. Until now.

I have turned off my data, again. I will not turn it back on. The second rep this morning was seeing that something was very much wrong with my phone. I was given a number to call about a warranty. Which was out almost a year ago. But. I called that warranty number. The female that helped me with warranty information confirmed that the phone was, in all likelihood, broken and I need a new one. Ah. Thank you. I am not that crazy old lady that doesn't know what her phone can do. Okay. I am. But. I know when something is wrong. And this is that. Now. Something is wrong.

The end.

Mr. Macho is taking me to my favorite restaurant in town tonight to celebrate 36 years of wedded bliss. J. Broussard's. Yum. I like him. Mr. Macho, not J. Broussard.

Can you believe he wore a ginger colored tux when we got married? What was I thinking?! I would like a do-over. Get a more traditional tux. Black. What a hoot. Ginger.

Go out and make somebody feel important today. Be good to someone. Pay someone a compliment. Consider it an anniversary gift. To us. Make somebody's day.
Be sweet.

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