Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Almost there...

It is the eve of Thanksgiving Day. I had hoped I could come up with 100 things to be thankful for during this month of giving thanks. Yet. I have felt less pressure this year to force the issue. It is part of my trying hard to be "in the holiday" and not get bent out of shape over the details.
I have three more days to reach my goal. I might not make it. And. That is just okay with me.

Feeling thankful for...

70. This relaxed feeling.
71. Sweet potato pies. Check.
72. Turkey cooked. Check.
73. Time to get the dust swiped away and the bathroom Lysoled.
74. Mr. Macho.
75. My home.
76. Texts from Virginia.
77. The Itsy Bitsy Spider. And her song.
78. Cooked pork loins in the freezer.
79. My dollar tree solar turkey keeping time in the sunlight.
80. Pandora radio on my iphone.

There will be more tomorrow. There is always more. To be thankful for.

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