"How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?"
Miss America.
Lauren and Sweet Daughter-in-Law.
A very patriotic Super Carrot.
The Father-in-Law sporting his new hat.
Cookie decorating fun. And. The photo bomber strikes again.
Saturday night we came home and played our own dirty Santa game. More laughing. Sillier gifts.
Sunday was better than I had even hoped. All our children and grandchildren were in church with us. I can't even find the words to say how I felt having us there. All together.
Sometimes the stars just line up and you know it is weighty.
This one moment in time filled me with Christmas.
This is our old church that we use as a chapel now. It is the church my children grew up in.
We came home and opened all the rest of the gifts and enjoyed a huge pot of red beans and rice. Beach Boy (via Aunt Mimi) provided some french bread and it made the meal.
Tucker is already having a magical Christmas. Football cards, eye black, and shoulder pads were the shizzle. He gained 50 pounds of tough. Immediately.
Our fashion designer, Lauren, sporting her new ear warmer. (Not sure what to call it!) She is gaining in grace and her sweet disposition adds to her beauty.
Miss Alabama. Glitz and bling. And. Mr. Bubble.
These two, along with their parents, have been here since Friday. This afternoon they traveled to their other grandparent's house where they will spend the rest of the week.
Breakfast won't be the same tomorrow.
Sweet Pea and I promised we would think about each other and think happy thoughts.
This afternoon has been filled with washing sheets and towels. And. A little cooking.
And so it went.
Today. Mr. Macho and I made a mad dash to the grocery store to buy supplies for dinner on Christmas day. We will spend it at his Dad's house. It will be quiet. And nice.
Again this years I find our Christmas evolving. It isn't the same any two years in a row.
Daughter and I watched one of her favorite movies in tandem last night, "The Family Stone". It was good for a little emotional release. A good little cry.
Ah, nostalgia. You are my friend. Sometimes I try very hard to keep you in the box. But times like these it is good to take you out and shake you off. And wallow in it.
And so. This brings me to my Christmas Eve mantra, that I must repeat, yet again...
"Backward, turn backward
O time in your flight;
Make me a child again
Just for tonight. "
-Elizabeth Akers Allen
Wishing you a Christmas filled with wonder.
May you welcome the Christ child with a joyful heart.
Merry Christmas.